"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."- Albus Dumbledore

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Week 2 Storytelling: Who is President?

The day was here. It was the 2nd of January, the day every year that the animals of the New York City Zoo would choose two contestants to go to the animal version of Jeopardy. The winner of the show every year would become president of the zoo for a year.

King Max, one of the only lions at the zoo, was last year's winner of Jeopardy. He was funny and proud of who he was. Many of the other animals at the zoo were envious of him. 

King Max stepped onto the podium in front of the gathered crowd of animals.

"Ladies and gentleman, it is that time of year again. It is time to cast your ballots for this year's contestants of Jeopardy. My dear friend, Anthony the lion, will be picking up the ballots. 

The animals in the crowd furiously began scribbling on their sheets of paper. Anthony made his way through the crowd and began picking up the ballots. After a few minutes of silence, the giraffes began to tally up the ballots. 

Max pulled out a small mirror and began glancing at his reflection and looked down at his claws. He was one of the best looking animals at the zoo, after all. 

One of the giraffes whispered for Max to come over to the table. The giraffe quickly handed a piece of paper to Max and he began to make his way back up to the podium. He grabbed the microphone in his hand and began to clear his throat. 

"Ehh hmmm Ehh hmmm...Ladies and gentlemen, your 2016 Jeopardy contestants for this year are...," a big smile crept onto his face. "Max the lion, and and and, CHESTER?!" 

A hush fell over the crowd and some people even gasped. Chester, a slender leopard, made his way to the front of the crowd. He stood right by Max.

"Yes, that's me," Chester said as he pushed his glasses on his nose and adjusted his bow tie. 

Max looked at him in utter disgust. 

"Ladies and Gentleman, your 2016 Jeopardy! contestants!," one of the giraffes said. 

The audience cheered.    

Chester knew this was his chance of becoming president of the New York City Zoo. He spent the next three days pulling all nighters studying for Jeopardy. After all, he knew the main reason why Max was chosen again to be a contestant was because he was good looking. Most of the lady animals voted Max in, and the rest of the animals did not really care for him. They knew Max was extremely full of himself and that bothered them. 

The day was here. It was time to play Jeopardy. 

The animals gathered around the zoo stage one last time. 

Chester stood on the stage confidently. Max began to look at himself in the mirror again.

An ostrich stood in the middle of the two contestants.

On the giant screen the board lit up. 

"Alright, now I will ask you both a question and whoever buzzes in first will...", the ostrich was shortly cut off by Max. 

"Yeah, yeah, we know how this works," Max laughed. Everyone stared at him and no one echoed his laugh.

"Anyway, as you will see up on the screen, here are your categories: Movie quotes, History, Poetry, World Literature, and Politics," the ostrich said. 

"I'll take History for 200," Chester said. 

"Are you serious?! It's either go for the big questions or nothing," Max said. Chester quickly ignored him.

"Founder of the New York City Zoo", the ostrich said. Both contestants buzzed in, but Max buzzed in a little bit faster. 

"Who is Alexander Davis?," Max said. 

"That's correct."

"I'll take Politics for 600," Max said. 

"President of the New York City Zoo in 1959."

This time Chester buzzed in faster than Max. 

"Who was Jacob the bear?", Chester said. 

"That's correct."

The next question would determine who would be the president of the New York City Zoo for 2016.

"I'll take World Literature for 800," Chester said. 

Chester knew he had a chance on winning Jeopardy if he chose World Literature as the last category. He knew that Max had never even picked up a book in his life.

Chester could see Max begin to sweat. Chester smiled and took a deep breath. 

"The author of the Animal Kingdom: The Journey to the Great Beyond."     

Max quickly buzzed in.

"Who is...uh...uh...Bob the snake?," Max said. 

"I'm sorry but that's incorrect. Now Chester, you have a chance on answering this question," the ostrich said. 

The whole crowd stared at Chester. Chester smiled because he knew he could even say this answer in his sleep.

"Who is Bartholomew the rhino?," Chester said. 

"THAT'S IT! CHESTER WINS!," the ostrich yelled. 

The crowd rushed onto the stage and carried Chester back to his home. 

"CHESTER! CHESTER!," they all chanted.

Max stood on the stage in utter disbelief. He could not believe he was no longer president.   

("Le lion et le leopard" Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Author's note: I based this story off of the Aesop Fable, The Fox and the Monkey. This story is closely related to the fable because one animal tricks another animal and is chosen to be the ruler instead. I changed the type of animals in my story to put a fun spin on the original. I also made Chester seem like someone who was liked by the majority of the animal population versus just someone trying to steal the throne. I also incorporated the show Jeopardy! into my story because when I was brainstorming, I saw one of the random suggested storytelling ideas was to tell your story from a TV show host's perspective. Out of all the game shows I thought of, I thought Jeopardy would be the best one to choose because it seemed like it would be one of the most interactive game shows. I also wanted to have Max and Chester have to play a game show to become president instead of just be picked by voting. I  also thought it would be fun and keep people engaged if I made my story focused around a game show. Lastly, I also thought it would be fun to write a story about a leopard and a lion because I pictured different cats in a zoo constantly having fights with one another. 

Bibliography: The Aesop for Children, with illustrations by Milo Winter (1919)



  1. Caitlin, what a great story! I loved all of the dialogue you used throughout your story. I felt like I got to know the characters and their personality traits on a more personal level. I have never heard of the “Fox and the Monkey,” but it sounds very interesting and engaging. I love animals so your story was very fun for me to read. I am excited to read more of your work throughout the semester!

  2. This a really good story! The dialogue between all of the characters is excellent and well done throughout the story. You did a great job of recreating the story from Aesop for Children, which I am going to do Aesop's Tales next, so it gave me somewhat of an insight into what I am going to be reading. I will be ready to read your stories throughout the whole semester, keep them coming! Good job!

  3. Wow Caitlin! I loved this story! What a creative way to retell the fable using a TV show setting such as Jeopardy! The dialogue between the animals is phenomenal. It flows naturally and makes perfect sense. The plot was well explained and straight to the point without being drugged out. I wonder if you could use other TV shows or different TV show formats to retell Aesop Fables? I have read several for my readings and I think a Bachelor/Bachelorette theme would be so fun to work with or in that matter just the format of a dating show! Reality TV could be fun as well and maybe pretending to be on a news broadcast. But the way your retold and remade this story fits perfectly with the theme of Jeopardy! I am very impressed with this and can not wait to see the rest of your work this semester!

  4. The use of jeopardy in your story was a great idea, it really did make everything so interesting. I liked how you changed the character from a fox and monkey to a lion and leopard; its amazing how a little replacement like that could make it a totally different story. I would love to know what happened once the leopard became king. Did Max run away because he couldn't handle the shame or did he plot to take the throne away from the leopard? Good job!
