"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."- Albus Dumbledore

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Week 2 Reading Diary A: Aesop (Winter)

Here are my favorite stories below from the Aesop for Children, illustrated by Milo Winter Unit.

The Tortoise and the Ducks: I liked this story because the tortoise reminded me of the character Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, oddly enough, because the tortoise lived most of his life sad and depressed like Eeyore did. This story also reminded me of the famous saying that "curiosity killed the cat" because since the tortoise was curious, he ended up losing his life.

The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox: I liked this story because it reminds me that you cannot trick those around you just because they seem weaker than you. The other thing I also got from this story is that you should always "expect the unexpected" and always treat your peers with respect.

The Ass and His Driver: I liked this story the best on this page because I could really picture the story playing out in my head! This story also reminded me of my own life. My mom will give me advice on something and I will choose to handle the situation differently instead. Later, I will realize that my mom's advice was the best way to handle the situation all along. "Sometimes mom just knows best!"

The Lion and the Ass: I liked this story a lot because it reminds me much of my every day life. Don't listen to what people say about you. You are the only one who can control your thoughts and actions. You cannot control anyone else's! When people say a rumor about you it also says a lot about who they are as a person.

The Owl and the Grasshopper: I liked this story the most because of its picture! After I saw the picture, I pictured the owl in the story just like it was in the illustration! I also liked this story because it talks about flattery. When people give you a compliment, sometimes they might just be saying something nice to you because they are trying to distract you from what is really going on!

The Lion and the Gnat: I liked this story the most because of the illustration that went along with it. The lion in the picture reminded me of Aslan from The Chronicles of Narnia! I really liked that this story talked about how you should never be too proud of your accomplishments, having a lot of pride is not attractive and will often times get you in trouble!

The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox: I liked this story because I could really picture both the lion and the fox fighting over the lamb until they were both exhausted! It makes me realize that it is often times better to share something rather than compete over the prize. Being friendly towards someone is the best thing you can do in the long run!

The Lion and the Ass: I liked this story a lot because I could totally picture the donkey making a fool out of himself in the cave! I often think that our friends are not impressed about our accomplishments because it is almost like they are expected out of us.

The Monkey and the Dolphin: The illustration is the first thing that brought me into this story! I liked how the illustrator made it seem like the dolphin was very unhappy. I think the moral of this story is that you should never lie. Lying is the worst thing that you can do because it will often lead you into more trouble later. Pretending to be someone you aren't is also a very dangerous thing to do because a lot of times people will see right through that!

The Monkey and the Cat: I originally picked this story because I love cats! Cats are my favorite animal! I think that is often true that people are trying to use others to get what they want. I think this story also relates a lot to the "what's in it for me?" question. It is sad that the cat fell for the monkey's order, but sometimes we have to learn lessons like that in order to have more wisdom later. I also think that the cat won't trust as many people ever again! When people use us to get what they want, it will often times make us have trust issues later.

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