"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."- Albus Dumbledore

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Introduction to a Future Public Relations Professional

Hi, everyone! My name is Caitlin and I am a junior Public Relations major. I am also a Senior Copy Editor for The Oklahoma Daily and one of the Alumni & Fundraising Committee Chairs for the PRSSA chapter at OU!

My favorite book series is the Harry Potter series, which I am currently reading. I am obsessed! I actually got the opportunity to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida two years ago when they just opened Diagon Alley and let me tell you people, it was absolutely amazing!

(Image Information: personal photo of Diagon Alley in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.) 

(Image Information: personal photo of Hogwarts in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.)

After I graduate, I hope to work for a PR firm! I would love to work for a PR agency because you get a variety of clients to work with versus if you just worked for one company.

I am also an animal lover. Back home in Dallas, I have three cats, Zachary, Sapphire, and RJ, and one dog, Maddie. I've basically grown up with all of them. Some of my friends joke that I am a cat lady in the making...and I'm not really ashamed of it!

(Image Information: personal photo of our cats who are brother and sister. From left to right: Zachary and Sapphire.)

(Image Information: personal photo of our cat, RJ.)

(Image Information: personal photo. My dog, Maddie.)

I currently love watching the following TV shows: Pretty Little Liars, The Big Bang Theory, FRIENDS, and Game of Thrones. I currently await for Game of Thrones to return...

The best movie I saw recently was Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I saw it midnight premiere in IMAX 3D, (kind of bragging) and then I saw it again over the break! It was everything I had hoped it would be and more. Now to wait for the following movie to be released...

If I had more free time I would read. Then, I would read some more and read more after that! I feel like college gets in the way of me finding time to read books that I actually want to read.

Well that's all, folks! I hoped this helped you get to know me a little more. I am looking forward to learning more about all of you!

(Image Information: photo taken by my friend, Molly Smith, of me with some Hunger Games and Harry Potter books.)


  1. Wow, you are doing a lot of things right now. I hope you will get a job for a PR film. I like all of your pets. I have a dog, pointer and dalmatian mix. She has lots of dot and she looks beautiful. I love your picture of cats. I am an animal lover too, but I cannot get a cat, although I want a cat so badly, because my wife is allergic to the cat. Great introduction!

  2. Hi Caitlin! How weird.. I'm also a PR junior, and I was on alumni and fundraising for PRSSA last year, we must have just missed meeting each other on a couple of occasions! With that being said, let me know if you ever want to get coffee or something and talk about PR agencies, movies, books, animals, etc. I am so jealous that you got to visit Universal Studios. I've been to Disney World but I would love to get to go to Universal. Your fur babies are the cutest!

  3. Hi Caitlin! I really enjoyed reading your introduction blog. I am a new Harry Potter fan and I am so jealous that you got to go to Harry Potter world! (That is my dream once I finish all of the books/movies!) Unfortunately, I am allergic to cats... so they aren’t my favorite animals in the world. I am so excited that you are pursuing a career in public relations. I am a senior PR major and I love it! I hope you are having a great semester so far.

  4. Oh my gosh, Caitlin, that picture of Diagon Alley is so cool! And it would be so great if you want to let your Harry Potter obsessions inspire your adventures in this class. Rowling used so many traditional mythological and legendary characters to create her world, and you can also use HER world as a way to re-tell stories; here's someone who did a story focusing on the Patil sisters in the Indian Epics class, which I thought was so cool, connecting up with that hint of Indian culture there in the Harry Potter world: Padma and the Black Lake

    And what great pix: Maddie and the cats are adorable of course, and that picture of you with your books is like a professional portrait or something - what a great picture! It could be in an ad for the joy of reading or something: wonderful! Kudos to your friend Molly on taking such a lovely photograph.

    So between cats and Potter and Game of Thrones, it sounds like this is definitely the right class for you! ENJOY!!!

    1. Thank you for sharing one of your previous student's stories! That was a fun read! I really do hope I can incorporate the Harry Potter series into some of my Storytelling assignments. After all, my blog is Harry Potter themed!
      Also, thank you for taking time to comment on my blog! I am looking forward to this class.

  5. Hi Caitlin! All of your pets are so cute! I love seeing pictures of cute animals! I have a dog at home, and my roommate has a dog at school. I also think that I would read more if I had the time, I totally know what you mean about school getting in the way! Best of luck with this semester!

  6. Hey Caitlin!
    I'm from Dallas as well, and we are both in Gaylord! I'm advertising, which is kind of similar to PR! Pretty Little Liars is one of my favorite shows. I'm currently kind of behind, but I plan to catch up ASAP! Your cats at home are super adorable. I have a cat, Michael, and he's basically like my child. I'm definitely an animal lover too.

  7. Hey! I am so jealous of your trip to the Wizarding World! I want to go so bad, definitely on my bucket list. I have always been a huge Harry Potter fan and I cannot wait till June when the new screenplay is released. Pretty Little Liars is my favorite show. I have been with it since the beginning and never miss a week! This semester I work during it's showtime so I have to make sure to stay off social media and watch the recording when I get home. I hope you have a great semester!

  8. Hello,
    I am also a junior this year. You seem to be very involved this semester and thats great! Thats awesome you got to see Diagon Alley at Orlando. That is a trip I am going to have to go on.

    I know what you mean when you say college gets in the way of reading what you actually want to. I have had so many reading assignment this past year I haven't been able to read anything I choose. I have still read some very iterating material though.

    Good luck with all your classes this semester!

  9. HI! Your whole intro had me almost giggling out loud. I LOVE HARRY POTTER TOO. I was so excited when I saw the quote at the top of your blog! AND GAME OF THRONES! Only a little over 2 more months to go! Can't wait for the new season! I also got to visit Diagon Alley and IT WAS AWESOME! Nice to meet you!!

  10. Hey Caitlin, nice to meet you! That is so cool you got to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! I'm jealous! Your pictures look amazing! It's also cool that you're a PR major! My roommate graduated last year with a degree in PR and currently works at a PR firm in OKC! I'm not a PR major, but I get to listen to all of his stories from work. Hope you enjoy the rest of your semester!

  11. Hi Caitlin! It's so nice to meet you. Like many of our classmates, I am very jealous that you got to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I am new to the series but already in love! Like you, I am excited to get back to more time to read for pleasure, but I fid that often times, this class helps with that :)

  12. Caitlin,
    Very nice to meet you! First I want to say that is really cool that you are a Senior Copy Editor for The Oklahoma Daily! I am also very jealous you got to go see Harry Potter world! I love Harry Potter but have yet to see that! I also am a animal lover; though I have had a cat almost all my life, I would love a dog when I am older and have a nice big home for him. Good luck on all your future endeavors! :)

  13. Hi Caitlin! Nice to meet you. It is so great that you are going to be public relations professional. I think that is one awesome major to have. Also, I absolutely love your introduction. So many animal pictures which I love so much! Of course, you did great job at writing your introduction itself as well. I really like your blog, your background theme.

  14. I totally agree that college can get in the way of reading as much as I would like to. But I think sometimes it's balanced out because all the stress of college makes spending time with cuddly pets even better! Growing up I also had three cats and a black lab! Also, Harry Potter is definitely the best ever!

  15. Hey, Caitlin!

    Pleasure to meet you, via your introduction. We already have a connection since I am also majoring in Public Relations. That's awesome that you know what you want to do. Upon graduation, I would like to gain some work experience doing PR for a major hospital, that is definitely my first goal since I have always had a love for health care. One thing I can say is that I don't see myself working in an agency. That's a great picture of you, and your pets. I wish you the best of luck in all you do!

  16. Hi Caitlin! It’s nice to meet you! I am jealous that you got to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. That is on my list of places to see. I’m not a huge reader, but there are a couple books that I have been meaning to get to that college has prevented me from doing. I am also waiting for Game of Thrones to start back up and it can’t get here fast enough.

  17. Hey Caitlin! I love your blog. I haven't been to it before and it is definitely unique and different from all the others that I have visited. I love your pics in your intro. I am also an animal lover. I have my own dog and I couldn't imagine my life without him! Good luck with everything the rest of the semester and good luck with getting a job with a PR firm, definitely an interesting career path, one that I used to consider among many!

  18. Hi Caitlin. Wow, I love your introduction. It seems like we have a lot in common. I am also obsessed with Harry Potter and went to the park the year it opened (originally, I sadly have not been since the addition of Diagon Alley but it was still incredible). I never had any cats growing up because my parents are allergic, but I absolutely love them and hope to have a few of my own some day. I wish you the best of luck in your PR endeavors!

  19. Caitlin, I remember reading your introduction earlier in the semester and seeing the pictures you took at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter while you were there. Great news! When I go to see Adele in Miami in October, we're going to go a few days early and stop in Orlando to go to Harry Potter! I'm so excited! It's going to be a great trip!
