"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."- Albus Dumbledore

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Learning challenges are a part of growing as a person

Time is the topic that interests me the most out of all of the H.E.A.R.T. topics. It interests me the most because I am the absolute worst when it comes to time management! I always under estimate how long something will take for me to do, and then I don't end up completing everything I had planned to work on for that day. Not only does that make me behind on my school work and other things in life in general, it makes me disappointed in myself. I would like to try the Pomodoro technique and see if it helps me manage my time better. I always feel like I am putting off my homework because I don't want to do it. I'd like to eventually get my homework done first and then be able to have free time later! 

I've been trying to work on my overall health lately. It's SO hard as a college student to eat healthy!! I seriously can't stress that enough. My schedule is so jammed-packed that I don't have any time to cook myself healthy meals at night. Recently, I've tried to meal prep on Sundays and then eat leftovers throughout the week (so far it's working). I'm going to try to start going to the gym again this week. I know it'll be hard for me, because I know the first thing I want to do when I get home from classes is just watch TV. However, I know that if I start working out, I will have more energy, will be able to sleep better, and overall I'll feel better about myself. Here's to hoping that from now on I will continue to improve my health!  

I think I'm pretty good when it comes to empathy. I come from a difficult family background, so I am definitely able to relate with a lot of people who have also experienced that. I use my wisdom from those situations to help others. I've learned that whatever you're going through, it's not the end of the world. I wish I could go back and tell myself years ago that it's going to be okay, and that you would be proud of your future self. 

I couldn't have said this quote that Albus Dumbledore said in Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire better myself: 

(This image was taken from The Daily Quotes)


  1. The first step in getting better at time management is realizing that you have a problem with it in the first place.. so your already halfway there! I couldn't agree more that as a college student its hard to prioritize working out. I'm guilty of watching Netflix when I could be outside for a walk or doing something else good for me. I'm sorry to hear that your journey hasn't been the easiest one, but I think it's so great that you can now take those experiences and turn them into positive things.

  2. Caitlin, I enjoyed reading about your learning challenges! I also use to struggle with time management problems. In order to help manage my time better I bought a big planner and scheduled my activities for the week! I also want to work on eating healthier and working out. It is encouraging to hear that other students struggle with the same issues. You can do it!

  3. Hi! I could relate a lot to what you wrote. Time management and staying healthy are both so difficult but so vital as a college student! I have also started doing meal prep on the weekends and it is helping quite a bit. Do you have any particular recipes that last well? I have found that pasta based dishes with lots of veggies and chicken work well for me. Hope you are able to make this semester a great one with your goals!
