"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."- Albus Dumbledore

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Crested Butte is one of my all time favorite places.

 Crested Butte, Colorado is definitely the place I can see myself living someday. My boyfriend took me on a trip here to visit some of his family a few months ago. When we arrived in town last summer, this is what the town looked like:

"Crested Butte Mountain Town" taken by Dave Dugdale. Source: Flickr 
As requested by the photographer, here is the link to his page: Learning Video

Walking through the streets of downtown while families piled in and out of the local shops, the lights on the tops of the buildings began to illuminate as the sun began to dwindle into the sky. I could only imagine how the town would look like during the winter. I assumed it would look much like those ceramic Christmas towns people put up in their homes. I think I was right.

"Elk Avenue in Crested Butte, Colorado" by Corey Leopold. Source: Wikimedia Commons

I hope I am able to return one day to see the town covered in snow. However at the time, I had to make do and take in the beautiful scenery of the mountains outside the town during the summer. I guess I'll just have to visit this place in my dreams until I can return. 

(Image Information: personal photo of the mountains outside of Crested Butte; photo from July 2015)


  1. WOW, what a picture, Caitlin! It is breathtaking: you get such a sense of the grandeur of the mountains from the angle of the photo, seeing the houses down there in the foothills. And the snow picture is also lovely... although I'll take sunshine over snow myself! There is a whole group of people whose favorite places are in Colorado: I should make a list this weekend, so all of you in the "Colorado club" can connect with each other in class. :-)

    1. That would be so cool to have a "Colorado club"! I would love that!

    2. I think I figured out how I can use my blog search engine to do that! It will be something new for me to learn this weekend. Fingers crossed! I'll let you know if it works or not. :-)

  2. These pictures are stunning! I too loved my visits to Colorado in the summertime. I have been twice, but never to Breckenridge. I think we stayed in Colorado Springs both times, but I remember being in awe of how beautiful everything was even in the summer time. I hope you get to go back soon and see the winter wonderland in real life!
