"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."- Albus Dumbledore

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Learning to have a Growth Mindset instead of a Fixed Mindset

I actually have never heard about Carol Dweck until I watched these videos. I see myself more towards the fixed mindset regarding my school work. I often times will get frustrated if I don't achieve the grade I set out for myself instead of congratulating myself on how far I have come since the beginning of the semester. 

I see myself also having a fixed mindset when it comes to my extracurricular activities as well. When I was in band in middle school and high school, I would often get discouraged if I couldn't play a certain note or become frustrated if I couldn't play a certain line of music. Instead of congratulating myself from doing better than I first started, I would get mad at myself for not getting it right. 

Ever since I began my time as a student at OU, I've learned that it's okay that if you are struggling with something. A lot of times professors will see your improvement and will be impressed with how far you have come and so will the people around you. I think the biggest challenges I face when I have to learn a new thing is that I think if I haven't done it before, I will immediately be behind my classmates when it comes to learning something new. I've noticed that it is kind of scary when you have to learn something new in a class in college and then will have to be graded on it later in the semester (ex. learning how to use different applications, etc.).

I definitely think I'm interested in learning more about growth mindset this semester. I would love to talk to my mom about this (she is a middle school teacher) as well as some of my friends that want to be teachers some day. I'd like to have their input on it. I would also like to try different styles of writing my blog posts for this class. I think I will find that if I write my blog post out ahead of time on paper and then read them, I will catch my mistakes easier than just writing it on here from the get-go. 

I am worried about my Public Relations Publications class this semester. My professor on the first day said that we would be using Photoshop and playing around with graphics a lot in his class. That immediately made me worry because I do not have any experience using either one of those! A personal goal I have set for myself this semester is to become more proficient in both of those things. I  have also set another personal goal for myself to attend more of my professors' office hours. I think that I will see that my grade will drastically improve if I do so. 

I think in general I need to apply a growth mindset for my every day life. I need to congratulate myself for improvement instead of getting frustrated at myself for not achieving what I had originally set for myself. 

After all, as my mom always says, "Practice makes perfect and Rome was not built in a day!"  

(Translation: Rome wasn't built in a day by Sue Strickland's Cheezburger gallery)

1 comment:

  1. It is good that you've been exposed to Carol Dweck and her growth mindset philosophy. I just heard about it and I am a believer in growth mindset. It helps with the perspective on "failure." It is good to read that you set personal goals to better skills of Photoshop,etc, instead of seeing it as failure, see it as a chance to improve your skills. I have failed SEVERAL times (more than I'd like to admit), but the more I saw my failure as a challenge, the more I began to improve. It's an intriguing concept. I hope the growth mindset helps you out more!
