"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."- Albus Dumbledore

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Week 6 Reading Diary A: More Brer Rabbit

The Creeturs Go to the Barbecue: I thought it was kind of mean that Brer Rabbit tricked his friends into thinking that there was a barbecue so that the dogs would chase his friends instead of him. I don't think that Brer Rabbit should've expected any less that the man noticed that some of his vegetables had been stolen and that he set his dogs to find him. I would imagine that Brer Rabbit's friends wouldn't trust him anymore.

Brer Rabbit's Frolic: I thought it wasn't fair that Brer Rabbit got out of being in trouble again by running off after he told his friends that he played the fiddle that morning. I was honestly surprised that none of the creatures tried to run off after him! I was also shocked that they believed Brer Rabbit yet again and went to Miss Meadow's. If I were them I would've told her that Brer Rabbit is the one that told them the dance was happening so he finally would've gotten in trouble!

(Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit by Joel Chandler Harris, with illustrations (1906))

Brer Rabbit Treats the Creeturs to a Race: I wonder if Brer Rabbit knew that Brer Dust and Cousin Rain would make all of the other creeturs dirty except for him. That would be a good storytelling post, to include his thought process. I am amazed that somehow Brer Rabbit always gets out of getting punished by the other creatures, and it also amazes me that they still continue to do what Brer Rabbit tells them. I don't really understand how dust could get caught in the mud, but I guess Cousin Rain ended up winning!

Brer Rabbit and the Gold Mine:  I guess we can assume that Brer Wolf didn't really find the gold mine, he just called Brer Rabbit to come over near him so he could finally get him back for all the things he had done to him! My guess is that Brer Rabbit just went home and never came back to the gold mine because he was afraid that Brer Wolf would get him! Or I wonder if Brer Rabbit lied about the gold mine being real just so they could tear up the land near Brer Bear's house. That would be a good storytelling post! To tell the story from the point of Brer Wolf when he found out there wasn't any gold!

How Mr. Lion Lost His Wool: I think it was mean that yet again, Brer Rabbit was trying to trick his friends into taking a bath with him so they would burn all their fur off. I guess it was better Mr. Lion than them, so that Brer Rabbit wouldn't have to worry about running off. I also suppose now the creeturs won't fear Mr. Lion ever again since he got all of his fur burnt off. They probably laughed at him and were thankful that the same thing didn't happen to them.

How Brer Rabbit Got a House: I thought it was funny that the other creeturs finally got back at Brer Rabbit and hid him underneath his bed. I don't think it was very smart of them to leave the gun, the cannon, and the tub of water in Brer Rabbit's room, but I guess they didn't think of what potentially could have happened. I'm surprised that none of them decided to come back a few days later and tell Brer Rabbit that they wanted their share of the house back.

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