"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."- Albus Dumbledore

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Week 4 Storytelling: That Modern Family episode

After a long day at school, Haley plopped down onto her bed and opened up her diary. She needed an outlet to vent to and she knew that her diary was the only one who would truly understand. She began to quickly scribble a note.

September 8, 2012

Dear Diary,

Today I met the cutest guy at school! But I don't know if he would ever like me back. He's kind of out of my league. I guess only time will tell, but I plan on getting to know him better. Gotta go! Mom is calling me downstairs for dinner. 


Haley Dunphy 

September 10, 2012

Dear Diary,

Today Dylan and I sat next to each other in class. We passed notes back and forth and I think tomorrow he might come over to study together for our Biology test. I know that Luke and Alex will do their best to embarrass me in front of him when he comes over, but I have to assure mom and dad that I'm not interested in him. Who knows if they'll believe me, but it may be the only way I can hang out with him. Wish me luck.


Haley Dunphy

September 30, 2012

Dear Diary,

I apologize that I haven't written you in such a long time! That day Dylan came over went great! Luke and Alex made fun of me as expected, but I just did my best to ignore them. I think mom and dad had their suspicions too, but whatever. I like this guy and I'm going to go for him. Dylan texted me earlier today and told me that he had a surprise to give me tomorrow, and I have a feeling that he's going to ask me out on a date! Okay I'm not 100% sure but a girl can hope, right? I'll let you know how things go tomorrow. 


Haley Dunphy 

October 25, 2012

Dear Diary,

Okay, okay...I'm sorry I never let you know how that day went until now! So...I was right. I showed up for school the next day and Dylan gave me some flowers and asked me if I wanted to go on a date. Of course I said yes! On our date, he brought out his guitar and played a song that he wrote for me and asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I said yes again! My parents wanted him to come over for dinner the other night and my parents asked him a thousand questions during dinner. It was awkward and I could tell that Dylan felt like he was under pressure. I kept on looking over and saw that my dad looked like he was judging him. I can tell that he doesn't like him for some reason. It's probably because he comes off as being rebellious and he thinks that he's being a bad influence for me. I know Dylan really likes me, but I hope my dad doesn't scare him off. Please pray for me that everything will be okay. 


Haley Dunphy      

November  18, 2012

Dear Diary,

Today Dylan came over to hang out with me and he saw that Luke was practicing baseball in the backyard. He went outside and started helping him and I could tell that my dad liked that. As I was helping my mom do the dishes after dinner, I saw my dad and Dylan talking in the living room. I could tell that my dad has been warming up to him and my mom too. My mom told him tonight that he is welcome over for dinner any time. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think my family is finally starting to like him! I'm glad that they're starting to see that he can be a good guy, and that he treats me well.  I haven't been this happy in a long time!


Haley Dunphy 

(The cast of the TV show, Modern Family. Source: Flickr)

Author's note: I based this story off of one of the Indian Fairy Tales, The Prince and the Fakir by Joseph JacobsIn this story, a princess sees a prince below her window and knows that she has to marry him. When her father, the king, invites all the men in town to have to chance to be chosen by her, she chooses to marry him even though he is wearing a Fakir's clothing. A Fakir is seen as someone who rejects worldly possessions and is not seen highly by many Indians. I'm not exactly sure why the prince decided to wear the Fakir's clothes. Maybe he wanted to blend in with normal people. The princess never tells her father that he is not a Fakir, so the king never approves of their marriage but doesn't say anything. In the end, the prince and the king connected and he began to like his son-in-law. I wrote my story from the perspective of Haley Dunphy, a character from the TV show Modern Family, because her parents don't like her boyfriend, Dylan, but they begin to like him in the end. The king is similar to the dad from Modern Family, because he never tells his daughter, Hayley, that he doesn't like her boyfriend. I thought this would be a good way to retell the Indian Fairy Tale in a modern setting. 


  1. I loved this story! I am a huge Modern Family fan so this was a really great connection for me. I also love the diary form you wrote in, that is really creative. It is always fun to take these older stories and give them modern day spins. I think it makes them more relevant to the current reader while still getting the original lesson across.

  2. I really loved what you did with this story! I have never seen Modern Family, but I may have to give it a shot now! I love how you combined a concept from an old story with the characters from a new one. So cool to see the culture gap bridged like that. Super well done on this story! So glad I decided to read it for the extra credit part.
