"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."- Albus Dumbledore

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Week 6 Reading Diary B: More Brer Rabbit

Brer Rabbit and the Partridge Nest: I thought it was sad that Brer Rabbit decided to be selfish and steal Miss Bob's eggs. I also thought it was really weird that she believed everything that he said. I also thought it was really sad that she would sing about her lost children every night.

Mr. Fox is Again Victimized: I thought I could relate this somehow to Mean Girls since half of that high school felt personally victimized by Regina George and it could be my storytelling post for this week. I will work on that. I honestly can't believe that Brer Rabbit tricked Brer Fox into letting him ride him like a horse. Brer Rabbit must have brainwashed him or something! I also can't believe that Brer Buzzard fell for Brer Rabbit's trick and didn't try to fly after him when he darted for his home!

The Fate of Mr. Jack Sparrow: I thought I could somehow relate this story to Pirates of the Caribbean because when I first read the title I immediately thought of Captain Jack Sparrow. I would love to relate the two somehow, and I will look more into that so I can use this story as my storytelling post. I think my classmates would love it. It's a shame that Jack Sparrow ended up dead because he was just going to tell Brer Fox that he overheard Brer Rabbit saying that he was going to show Miss Meadows and the girls that he was the boss of him. It makes me sad that Brer Fox decided to eat Jack Sparrow instead of punishing him, because Brer Rabbit said that Jack Sparrow said that he was going to kill him and his family and destroy his house. It still amazes me how Brer Rabbit's friends always think he is telling the truth. I guess this story shows that you should just mind your own business and not tell on others.

How Mr. Rabbit Lost His Fine Bushy Tail: I think it's great that Brer Rabbit finally got what he deserved! I was actually surprised that he believed what Brer Fox told him and decided to stick his tail in the water. I guess the fish ate his tail, but I'm surprised Brer Rabbit didn't notice that they ate his tail! It doesn't really make sense to me that all rabbits have had short tails since then just because Brer Rabbit's was eaten, but maybe they all cut their tails off as a precaution.

Why Mr. Possum Has No Hair on His Tail: I still can't believe that Brer Possum believed Brer Rabbit that Brer Bear wouldn't mind that he would eat some of his simmons trees. I'm also surprised that Brer Bear, with all of the things that have happened to him and his friends because of Brer Rabbit, didn't ask him if Brer Rabbit set him up to this. I think it's weird that just because Brer Possum doesn't have hair on his tail because of an accident that his kids didn't either.

(Uncle Remus: His Songs and Sayings, by Joel Chandler Harris (1881), illustrations by A.B. Frost)


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