"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."- Albus Dumbledore

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Week 7 Reading Diary B: Brer Rabbit

Mr. Fox and the Deceitful Frogs: I thought it was weird that Mr. Fox fell into the pond because he thought that the frogs were another fox. I also thought it was very clever that somehow Uncle Remus was able to mimic the sounds of the animals by saying words but not actually saying onomatopoeia. It gave the story more depth.

Mr. Rabbit Meets His Match Again: I wonder if Brer Buzzard purposefully laughed so that Brer Rabbit would get hurt. After all of the trouble that Brer Rabbit has caused his friends, you would think that by now they would try to get him back. I hope that was the case. I thought it was weird that Uncle Remus said that Brer Rabbit walked around like he was hurt for a month afterwards, but I guess when you get hurt like that it would take a while for you to heal.

A Story about the Little Rabbits: I thought it was mean that Brer Fox was trying to take advantage of the little rabbits just so he could eat them. I understand that their dad, Brer Rabbit, was mean to all of the other creeturs, but that doesn't mean that Brer Fox should pray on them! They didn't do anything to deserve that! It baffles me that the little rabbits would take orders from a stranger. For some reason when the bird was singing his song to help the rabbits, it made me think of the cleaning song from Snow White when she would sing to the animals. That would be a great storytelling assignment for this week!

Mr. Terrapin Shows His Strength: I thought it was funny that Brer Tarrypin knew that the bed cord could have held up anything even though Brer Bear didn't know that. I also thought it was funny that Brer Bear thought he was strong enough to pull Brer Terrapin out of the water. It kind of reminds me of How to Train Your Dragon. No one thought that Hiccup was strong enough or brave enough to possibly become the ruler over his town, but he proved them all wrong.

(Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings by Joel Chandler Harris (1881), illustrations by A.B. Frost

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