"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."- Albus Dumbledore

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Week 9 Storytelling: A Night Out, a Test, and a Mom's Advice

One day after Audra got home from her college classes, she got a text from one of her best friends asking if she would want to go bar hopping that night. It was a Wednesday night, and she had a test in her 9 a.m. the next morning.

Audra went downstairs and told her mom that she was going to go out with her friends that night.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Audra. You have a class early in the morning and staying up late means that you might miss your class tomorrow," her mom said.

"Mom, I'll be fine. I'll just drink some coffee before I head to class tomorrow," Audra assured her.

Audra didn't want to miss out on tonight. She would be seeing friends she hadn't seen in years.

Against her mother's advice, Audra left the house around 9:30 p.m. and didn't return until 3:30 a.m.

When she got back to her house, she started to feel nauseous and dizzy. She laid down on her bed and forgot to set any of her alarms for the morning.

When she awakened the next morning, she peered over at her alarm clock. The numbers read 11:13.

("Alarm clock". Source: Pixabay)

"Oh no! I've missed my class! I've missed my test that I had today," she thought as she ran downstairs.

Audra knew that her professor had strict rules about exams. If a student missed an exam they weren't allowed to make it up.

She ran down the stairs and found her mom working on her work in the living room. Audra's mom pushed her glasses on her nose and glanced at her daughter coming down the stairs.

"Audra, I told you it wasn't a good idea for you to go out last night," she said as she typed on her laptop.

"Yes, mom, I know you didn't think it was a good idea. But I knew if I stayed home last night that I would miss out on seeing friends I hadn't seen in years," she said.

Audra pulled out her laptop to email her professor to see if there was any way that he would let her make up the exam.

"I should have listened to my mom when she told me not to go out last night," Audra thought as she emailed her professor.

Audra never got an email back about making up her exam from her professor, but despite receiving a zero for her test, she ended up passing her class at the end of the semester. Audra never went out on a night before a test ever again.

Author's Note: I based this story off of Coyote, Tortillas, and Mesquite Beans  from Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest by Katherine Berry Judson (1912). In this story, a coyote decided that he wanted to eat a black bug and mesquite beans after the Elder Brother advised him not to do so. The Elder Brother told the coyote not to eat the black bug and the mesquite beans because they were the only things that survived after the flood. The coyote ate the beans and the bug, even though the Elder Brother told him not to and ended up dying because of that. I wanted to tell a story that was similar but not as harsh. In my story, I didn't want the main character to end up dying because of her choices, but I wanted her to learn a lesson from her decisions. I also changed the main characters in my story to be a girl and her mom instead of animals so my readers could relate to my story. I also wanted tell a story about something that most of us college kids can relate to. I also think a lot of us can relate to going against our parents' advice and then realizing that they were right in the end.


  1. Wow, something very similar to this literally happened to me Friday this week. I had stayed out too late on Thursday night and completely slept right through my morning discussion and lab group meeting..Luckily I had no exams that I missed fortunately, ha. I thought this was a good story and very easy to follow; all the page breaks helped this a lot. I also wanted to comment on your background of your blog, it reminds me of HP! Great post!

  2. Time management is really important! This story has a great moral! I think that can happened to anyone around us. Your story was great at focusing what you want to talk about or write about and I really enjoyed your writing. Great job at emphasizing the importance of the time. I think not only you did great on writing story over your reading but also did great on putting your opinion in your story as well.

  3. This is a super relatable story! Honestly, sometimes I can't wait to be a mom just so I can start being right all the time, since they seem to have a magic power that ensures that! Just reading about someone missing an exam makes me super nervous, that's my worst nightmare! This was a fun and simple little story to read!

  4. Caitlin,

    Your story was short, sweet and to the point! Great message behind the story, as well. I'm pretty sure we've all experienced our parents giving us wise words of advise on countess occasions. For some reason, our independent minds always tell us that we know better than they do, forgetting they have years of experience compared to us. Good thing Audra decided to listen after that. Great story!
