"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."- Albus Dumbledore

Friday, March 4, 2016

Always Running out of Time

I desperately need to make a new plan for this class! I've found that I don't use the schedule I originally made at the beginning of the semester. Below is my new plan:

Tuesday: 1 hour
Wednesday: 1 hour
Thursday: 1 hour
Sunday: 3 hours 

I've learned from this class that I shouldn't wait to put off the project assignments until last minute! I always underestimate on how much time my Storybook assignments will take and I always end up racing the clock. That is terrible...especially when I want to make sure that my Storybook assignments are the best they can be when I turn them in. I definitely want to work on managing my time better for the second half of the semester, especially with the growing amount of Storybook assignments! I also want to work on trying different styles of writing for my Storytelling posts. I hope I am able to manage my time better the second half of this semester!

I also really connected with this motivational poster. 

(Time management. Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Time really is our most precious resource. We can either spent it wisely or abuse it and lose it!

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