The Fisherman and The Fish: I liked this one because the fisherman knew that he wasn't going to catch anything better in the brook that day. Maybe he was frustrated because he's had prior experience where he's been unsuccessful? That would be a cool back story to do as my Storytelling post.
The Man and the Wooden God: I really liked this post because it relates to modern times. People idolize celebrities and money. We say that certain celebrities are our idols, but is it really good to worship someone who has as many faults as you do? This would be a great Storytelling post. It would be great to start the story off with someone who worships a celebrity but then gets frustrated when this celebrity goes down the wrong path.
The Man and His Mother: I feel like I was really able to connect with this story because I have heard of modern crime stories where the person who committed the crime blamed his parents for how he was raised and for his wrongdoings. In a way I think that is the wrong way to look at things because you are the only one who is in charge of your well being. On the other hand, your parents raise you to be the person you are supposed to be.
The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar: I really liked this story because I was able to connect with the old woman. Fresh cookies coming out of the oven reminds me of my childhood. I always remember the smell of the cookies in the kitchen while they were baking. I remember I was always happy when cookies were being made. I remember how warm and freshly baked cookies always tastes.
The Goose With the Golden Eggs: I really liked this fable because it was a fable I knew from my childhood. I think this would be a good Storytelling post because you could relate it to someone winning the $1 billion lottery and becoming overly greedy, and then spent so much of their money all at once that they lost it very quickly and ended up broke and on the streets.
(The Fables of Aesop by Joseph Jacobs, illustrations by Walter Crane)
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